Dear beautiful,

Apply the healing ointment to yourself rather than applying it generously to others

Zara Macias
Latin Locura


Forgive yourself for not being perfect.

You are lovable, worthy, and whole

Why do you start conflicts and self-sabotaging?

Let yourself be loved

Let yourself be held

Sure, people may leave

If so, let them be

Go to the ocean or see the sea

The complexity of one individual does not replicate

Pain does not need to duplicate

But it will…

If you don’t stop identifying with your pain

Let things flow down the waterway

Sure, you can build a big starchy concrete wall

Build it as high as the Empire State Building

You can climb your wall and look down at the view

And yes, it’s beautiful to find yourself beautiful

However, it’s just as beautiful to level yourself and accept the gift of love

Forgive yourself for not being perfect

Don’t criticize and punish yourself for being human

Apply the healing ointment to yourself rather than applying it generously to others

Eat chocolate

Dance with cute guys

And stop with the self-sabotage

That shit has gone on for way too long

Look in the mirror and say,

I love you just the way you are

You are loving, lovable, and lovely

Yes, you’re temperamental and a little unstable

But that’s okay too



Zara Macias
Latin Locura

Zara holds a BA in Political Science/International Affairs. She’s passionate about destigmatizing mental health and empowering women, Latinos, & POC to lead.